Using your intuition to interpret the cards – Cut through confusion, conflicting viewpoints and Tarot “information overload”
The course includes practical – so you receive and give a PLR session.
This is an 9 week course, and includes a set of 26 chakra stones.

Next Course: Saturday 3 June @ 10am to 4pm
Prior Learning Needed: None
This is a two month course (8 weeks) – once a week, from 6pm – 8:30pm. Price: R4200 (R600 deposit to secure your place and R1800 per month). You do also need a set of Rider Waite Tarot cards, which I have in stock for R450 a pack.
Tarot Course Outline
This is an 4 week course, and includes a set of 26 chakra stones.
Cost R4300 – R600 deposit and R1850 over 2 months
Next Course: Sunday 4 June @ 10am to 4pm